
Customized workshops for educators showcasing resources for outdoor learning on your school grounds or other local site.

通过实践, 由NCMNS工作人员在您的站点教授的户外讲习班, educators explore the wonders of nature and increase their comfort in using the outdoors as a teaching resource. Workshops focus on ways you and your students can explore the natural resources right outside your door. 我们采用基于观察的活动, 自然日志, 和/或公民科学发现树木的奇迹, 错误, 鸟, 花, 动物足迹和标志, 池塘和溪流, 和更多的. Workshops are customized to your topics of interest, time, and budget.

人: 最多24名教育者(学校教师)组成的小组, nature center staff or other educator cohorts); minimum of eight. 欢迎所有年级和任何学科领域的教育工作者, as long as they are interested in using the outdoors in their teaching!

当: Any time of year, scheduled at least 6 weeks in advance, and depending on availability. 我们可以提供一个研讨会或一系列研讨会.

持续时间: Workshops can be from 2 to 8+ hours in length, depending on your schedule and interests.

地点: 我们为整个北卡罗来纳州服务! Workshops can be conducted on your school grounds or at a local natural area anywhere in North Carolina.

成本: 起价100美元. Workshop fees are used to provide learning materials to support workshop content. 取决于可用资金和你的兴趣, 我们将定制预算,以提供尽可能多的资源!

感兴趣? 填写我们的 感兴趣的形式 我们会在两周内联系你!

需要更好地了解我们能提供什么? 看看下面的一些例子…


通过实践探索, you’ll become familiar with some of the common species found in your school yard and backyard! From native trees growing at the fence line to arthropods hiding under a rotten log to the weeds growing in the sidewalk cracks – there’s always something to explore. 这个话题在整个学年的一系列研讨会中都很有效, 让我们可以探索大自然在不同季节的变化.

It’s easy to forget that observation is a skill that needs to be taught and practiced! 在这个研讨会上, you will sharpen your observation skills while learning techniques to do the same for your students. 这个主题可以单独使用,也可以作为系列研讨会的开始.

Recording observations in a nature journal or science notebook makes us notice more about the world around us and helps build a foundation for deeper learning. It’s not about making a pretty picture – a nature journal entry is excellent if we learn something from it. We’ll focus on using drawings, words and numbers to record information in meaningful ways. This topic can be offered as a standalone workshop or seeded across multiple workshops in a series.

学习 how to engage the innate curiosity of young children with the wonders of nature. We’ll explore the benefits of using loose parts with young children to facilitate the development of early readiness skills. Activities are centered around natural objects like sticks, stones and pinecones (and so much more!). 我们可以数数, 堆栈, 使形状, explore textures and generally practice viewing and manipulating familiar objects from a new perspective through observation, 讨论和积极参与.

学习 how you and your students can contribute to scientific research! We’ll explore multiple citizen science projects that may include iNaturalist, eBird, 失去了瓢虫, 《全球十大赌钱软件排行》或其他. 学习如何收集和报告数据, and what information is available from other citizen scientists that you and your students can explore.

If, 参加我们的一个或多个研讨会后, you discover that you’d like to enhance your schoolyard as a place for wildlife and learning, 我们可以与您一起制定并实施一项计划. We can help you and your students create a native plant garden to attract butterflies and other pollinators, 水生植物和水生生物的小池塘, 或者在其他感兴趣的领域与你合作. 请注意,这需要一点汗水和准备, 但我们可以提供建议和一些所需的材料!

This long-standing NCMNS program incorporates all of the above topics (except Loose Parts) in six sessions over the course of a school year. 首先是实地考察,与领导团队会面, 我们在各个季节为员工举办四次讲习班, culminating in the installation of a small habitat project with the help of students.

  • 类放大镜和bug盒的集合.
  • 取样设备,如防虫网或水网.
  • 儿童友好的野外指南,常见的校园物种.
  • Activity handouts, worksheets and supplemental information (some may be provided digitally).
  • 自然为主题故事书.
  • 花园/池塘的本地植物.
  • 参与教育工作者的自然期刊.


These examples are just for reference; actual budget and materials will be based upon your interests, 资源可用性和您的资金.

  • $100 -车间指导,数字资料.
    例如:树木. 与树木有关的活动,如树木识别的数字副本, 叶图, and tree poetry; digital field guides to “Common Schoolyard Trees and Common Forest Trees of North Carolina.”
  • $400 -以上材料, plus class sets of magnifiers and bug boxes (36 of each).
  • $800 -以上材料, plus field guides and equipment for 1-2 topics (5 copies of student field guides, 参考现场指南1份, 简单的取样装置如渔网.)
    例如:无脊椎动物. 五扫网, 1架空网, 5张白色床单/桌布, 《全球最大彩票网站排名》,”“《全球最大彩票网站排名》,《全球十大赌钱软件排行》.”
  • $1100 -以上材料, plus field guides and equipment for second and/or third topic.
    例如:鸟类. 蓝鸟盒子和杆子, 喂鸟器, 5本《全球最大彩票网站排名》,“5只会鸣叫的毛绒鸟, 关于鸟的儿童读物, 鸟类识别海报.
  • $1400 -以上材料, plus field guides and equipment for a third and/or fourth topic.
    例子:池塘探险和鲜花. 五套取样装置(网、盘、盘等.), 《全球最大彩票网站排名》,《全球十大赌钱软件排行》,《全球最大彩票网站排名》,“车间里解剖用的花.
  • $2000 -以上材料 plus supplies for a discrete habitat installation (does not include large or difficult-to-transport items like topsoil, mulch or construction materials; we advise on construction materials, but these types of items need to be supplied by the school either through donations or purchases made locally).
    例如:Minipond. 预成型池衬管, 水生植物, 锅, 蚊子扣篮, 温度计, dechlorinator; school provides site prep, 护根物和平整的石头用于边缘(可选但建议使用).
  • $2000+ -预算更大, we can consider bigger-ticket items like a class set of binoculars (~$4000), 一套地面椅(~$1200), and individual materials for each participant (varies based on number of participants and types of materials desired).
